Grand opening

My daycare, the Washington University Family Learning Center, had its grand opening celebration this week. I took part in a parade with all the other kids. I even waved to the crowd from my vehicle like a beauty pageant winner. It was fun.

To honor the occasion everyone painted their handprints on big canvas posters, even the Chancellor of the university.


Daddy’s handprint went next to the Chancellor’s.

What goes up must come down

I’ve been having such a good time since I recently figured out how to go up the stairs. At every opportunity I shoot up the steps then play upstairs.

Don't back down (part 1)Don't back down (part 2)

My favorite game is closing and then opening the bedroom doors.

Open and shut

It only took a couple of days before I also figured out how to go back down the stairs. Really the only reason I would want to do this is so I can climb right back up!

Up, up and away

I climbed up to the second step on the stairs last night, as I often do. But much to Mommy’s chagrin, this time I didn’t stop once I got there. I just kept right on going to the third, then the fourth, and so on. I made it all the way to the top and kept right on going straight into the bathroom.

I had so much fun that I repeated this feat a few more times before going to bed. I have so much fun upstairs. There’s all kinds of dangerous child-unprotected things to get into. For now, at least.

Uh oh

Wow, so many things have happened in the past few days.

Dad went out of town for work, so for a little bit it was just Mom and me here. Then Paw Paw and Gramma Nan came to visit. I have been having a blast. They took care of me while Mom was at work.

On the first day they were taking care of me, mom was upstairs getting ready for work and Gramma Nan was getting me my breakfast. I threw several of my cheerios on the floor, and then I looked at Gramma Nan and said “UH OH” just as plain as day. It was the first word I ever said.

Mom missed the whole thing, and she was a little sad. So I have been cheering her up by throwing my things on the ground and saying “Uh oh” hundreds of times since then. And I scored big points this evening when I grinned at her and said “Mama.” She couldn’t quite believe her ears and kept trying to get me to say it again, but I have decided to make her wait a little while for that one.

Let’s see, what else happened?

Gramma Nan gave me a haircut. She is a professional hairdresser, so I got a great new look. I love it.

Also, my left upper molar has come in. That’s probably why I have been in such a bad mood lately and why I have not been sleeping well. Or maybe not. Who knows.

I tried cabbage for the first time too. It was okay.

Here are some pictures of me from last week at daycare, making and eating some cookies.

