Thanksgiving was super fun. My friends A., J., & V. came to visit. We played and played and played.
Category Archives: holiday
Lights off
I’ve been turning lights off like crazy at home, but it wasn’t until I found some switches at my own height that I could figure out how to turn them back on as well.
Thumpety thump thump
Uncle Andy and Aunt Kimberly gave me a great book for Christmas.
Christmas #2
Christmas with Mommy’s family was a great time. I walked around Grandma & Grandpa’s great big house for hours. All the playing wore me out a little bit. I had great fun opening all the wonderful gifts. I already can’t wait until Christmas next year!
Christmas #1
Everyone in Daddy’s family loved my antics, particularly me walking all over the place. Of course, I tore into some presents. Oh boy! I really enjoyed seeing Nana, Grampy, Great aunt Marcia, and of course Grandma and Grandpa. Holidays are just so much fun!
A teensy bit early
I’m not sure I completely understand this Christmas thing. I received a great big box in the mail last week, but Mom & Dad didn’t open it. That didn’t stop me from playing with it though. Then today I overheard Daddy ask Grandma Barb when to open the box, and she said she didn’t care. …
Days of December
I haven’t been blogging much lately, and for that I apologize. I’ve been too busy with life. I saw Santa on a bitterly cold day. The beard was more convincing than last year. I rode in a race car shopping cart. I tried to run away at bath time. I played and played and played …
We traveled all around and I got to visit all my grandparents and great grandparents for Thanksgiving. At Grandma Barb & Grandpa Bruce’s house I showed everyone how fast I could crawl, and I even took a few steps. I also got to play with my cousins Caleb & Vivian, and see my great grandparents. …
Baby steps
Halloween was interesting. I dressed up as a rock star (including a green mohawk). We went trick-or-treating at daycare on Friday. Then today we had a few kids come by for candy. I’m not really that into it yet. Maybe next year I’ll be more excited.