Days of December

I haven’t been blogging much lately, and for that I apologize. I’ve been too busy with life.

Damn jammies 2

I saw Santa on a bitterly cold day.

With Santa

The beard was more convincing than last year.

Wait, this isn't Mommy

I rode in a race car shopping cart.

Race car

I tried to run away at bath time.

Tip toe

I played and played and played while Daddy kept flashing bright lights in my direction.

Toy box


Don't take away my containersSweetyHa!

I started brushing my own teeth.


At every opportunity I go digging through Mommy’s drawers to get her Breathe-Right strips and chapstick.


I’ve started climbing up onto the couch to play with Mommy & Daddy.



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1 Comment

  1. Yes, indeed! You’ve had a very busy life. We understand how you didn’t have time to blog.
    Love you,
    Grandma Barb

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