A teensy bit early

I’m not sure I completely understand this Christmas thing. I received a great big box in the mail last week, but Mom & Dad didn’t open it. That didn’t stop me from playing with it though.

Then today I overheard Daddy ask Grandma Barb when to open the box, and she said she didn’t care. So this afternoon when I was pushing the box around again, I guess Dad & Mom felt sorry for me because they opened the box. Inside was the greatest thing ever. I no longer have to push the box around because now I can push what was inside the box around. This expression sums it up pretty well.

A little excited

I pushed the cart back and forth across the living room for 30 minutes non-stop. Then after dinner I played some more.

Push push push

Thanks, Grandma & Grandpa!

Happy boy

Days of December

I haven’t been blogging much lately, and for that I apologize. I’ve been too busy with life.

Damn jammies 2

I saw Santa on a bitterly cold day.

With Santa

The beard was more convincing than last year.

Wait, this isn't Mommy

I rode in a race car shopping cart.

Race car

I tried to run away at bath time.

Tip toe

I played and played and played while Daddy kept flashing bright lights in my direction.

Toy box


Don't take away my containersSweetyHa!

I started brushing my own teeth.


At every opportunity I go digging through Mommy’s drawers to get her Breathe-Right strips and chapstick.


I’ve started climbing up onto the couch to play with Mommy & Daddy.




We traveled all around and I got to visit all my grandparents and great grandparents for Thanksgiving.

At Grandma Barb & Grandpa Bruce’s house I showed everyone how fast I could crawl, and I even took a few steps.

On the prowl


I also got to play with my cousins Caleb & Vivian, and see my great grandparents.

Great grandparents

Great grandparents

Later, at Grandma Nancy & Grandpa Dick’s house I showed Grandma & Great Aunty how to play the piano on my iPad.

Will composes with Smule

And I got into some mischief there as well.

Climbing in

I can’t wait to visit all my relatives again. We just always have the bestest time together.

Wherever I may roam

I roam around a lot these days. First, I crawl super fast. As you’ve seen I go up and down the stairs like a pro. One of my current favorites is to grab onto a chair and walk around a bit. Here, see for yourself.


Though, to be honest, I’m not that picky. If I can’t find a chair to push, I’ll settle for whatever I can find.

I also got a new toy from my friends Claire & Elliott. It’s a bike.

Finally, I just love going for a magic carpet ride. We can’t take complete credit for this, as Daddy got the idea from a friend, but it’s still my new favorite thing. At first I wasn’t really sure what was going on. Now, whenever I see the magic carpet I run over and lay down on my tummy while Dad or Mom pulls me around.