Another heck of a week

Week two in St. Louis was even busier than week one. I tried to be on my bestest behavior because I could tell Mom & Dad were both way stressed. I entertained myself for hours in our hotel room, racing back and forth along the floor.


I was all over the place

I usually slept pretty well (okay, except for a couple times). Since we were all the same room, Mom & Dad kept extra quiet and turned all the lights off so I could sleep better.

Warm glowing warming glow

Mom works in the dark

Dad & I did lots of walking (and a little bit of cycling) out in the hot sun. Dad got new sunburns everyday, while I worked on my sweet leg tan. We hit the zoo a few more times, as I enjoy spending time with other apes.

Ape feet

Whose feet are bigger?

Chow time

Chow time!

Finally, last but not least, we moved into our new house!!! Sort of. Well, we’re here, except all we have is what fit in our car. The place is pretty bare at the moment, but that’s kind of good as I have more room to crawl.

Lucky red hat

My new home

I love this place!

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1 Comment

  1. Hello William,
    You look so happy in your new place … will be waiting for more stories as you explore it and your new city! lots of love, great-auntie

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